Tender Details

Establishment of a 44 MWp Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) Power Plant Under the Capex Model at UOB Campus

Tender Number: 912/2024/BTB (4604/2024/3100)

PA Ref Number: 4604/2024/3100

Tender Description

The Electricity and Water Authority (EWA) has intended to establish a Minimum of 44 MWp solar power plant in the Campus of University of Bahrain for generating approximately 75 GWh per year. The tender for construction works of the Project will be implemented on Turnkey basis which includes Engineering, Design, Manufacturing, Supply of materials, Installation, Testing & commissioning and Civil & Electromechanical works.

Issued by
Electricity and Water Authority (Planning and Studies)
Initial Bond
BD 5000
Bid Validity / Initial Bond Validity Period (Days)
180 days
Tender Fees
BD 100
Contract Duration
2 Year
Is Alternate Bid Allowed
Publish Date
Thursday, 07 November 2024
Purchase Before
Thursday, 21 November 2024
Closing Date
Sunday, 29 December 2024
Opening Date
Monday, 30 December 2024

Additional Notes

The Electricity and Water Authority (EWA) plans to establish a solar power plant with a minimum capacity of 44 MWp on the University of Bahrain campus, aiming to generate proximately 75GWh per year. The university has a vast car park and open land area where EWA intends to develop ground-mounted and car park solar PV systems. This project aligns with Bahrain’s commitment to green initiatives to mitigate climate change, as announced by HR the Crown Prince under the directives of HM the King, aiming to reduce Bahrain’s greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2035 and achieve net zero by 2060.

The tender for the project will be implemented on a turnkey basis, covering engineering, design, manufacturing, supply of materials, installation, testing, commissioning, and civil and electromechanical works.,

تخطط ھیئة الكھرباء والماء لإنشاء محة للطاقة الشمسیة في حرم جامعة البحرین بسعة لا تقل عن 44 میجاواط/ذروة، بھدف تولید حوالي 75 جيجاواط ساعة سنوياً. سيتم استغلال المسحات الكبیرة لموقف السیارت والمسحات المفتوحة في الجامعة لتطویر أنظمة الطاقة الشمسیة الكھرضوئیة المثبتة على الأرض وفي مواقف لسیارات. یأتي ھذالمشروع في إطار التزم البحرین بالمبادرات الخضراء للتصدي لتغیر المناخ، كما أعلن عنه سمو ولي العھد بناءً على توجیھات جلالة الملك، والذي یھدف إلى تقلیل انبعاثات غازات الاحتباس الحراري بنسبة 30% بحلول عام 2035م، وتحقيق صافي انبعاثات صفري بحلول عام 2060م.

سيتم طرح المناقصة للمشروع على أساس تسليم المفتاح، حيث ستغطي جميع الجوانب بما في ذلك الهندسة، التصميم، التصنيع، توريد المواد، التركیب، الاختبار، التشغیل، بالإضافة إلى الأعمال المدنیة والميكانيكیة والكھربائیة.

Mandatory Requirements for Technical Evaluation:

Below are the mandatory requirements and shall be include in tender submission:

1) Bidders must have successfully commissioned at least ten (10) grid-tied solar PV projects on a turnkey basis (out of which at least Two (2) are Solar PV car park projects and One (1) are ground mounted solar projects) in the last 3 Years in any country globally (cumulative over members in the case of a consortium); and

2) Eligible bidders shall have experience in design, engineering, supply, erection, Supervision, testing & commissioning of land-mounted, grid-connected solar power plants of a capacity equivalent or higher (minimum 20MW) than the capacity of the Project under consideration in the last five years in any country globally (cumulative over members in the case of a consortium); and

3) Annual cumulative turnover of at least $50,000,000 (Fifty Million US Dollars) over the last 3 Year (2021, 2022 & 2023) (cumulative over members in the case of a consortium); and

4) Submission of the audited Financial Reports proving the financial capability for the last 3 Year whereas the minimum average Liquidity Ratio shall not be less than 1.5 with yearly positive earnings for evaluating Profitably.

The tenders which do not meet the mandatory requirements will not pass the relevant section and such tenders may be rejected.

How to Participate?

  • Those who are capable and wish to participate in the above tender have to purchase the Tender Documents online through the Bahrain Tender Board’s portal https://etendering.tenderboard.gov.bh starting from Thursday, 07 November 2024
  • Bidders are requested to enclose with their bids the Initial Bond for the amount specified above or at the rate of 1% of the tender value whichever amount is lesser, provided that no initial bonds value shall be less than BD 100/-. (Except for the Two-envelope tenders).
  • For Two-envelope tenders, bidders, are requested to enclose with their bids the Initial Bond for the amount specified above.
  • The initial bond should be in the form of a Certified Cheque, Bank Guarantee, Insurance Policy or Cash (or as specified in the Tender Documents) valid for the duration specified above.
  • The bids deposit place: (As Mentioned in the Tender Documents)
  • This tender is subject to the provisions of the Tender Law issued by the Legislative Decree No. 36 of 2002, its amendments, and its Implementing Regulations issued by the Decree No. 37 of 2002.
  • In addition, these conditions have to be considered:
    • Enclose copy of a valid Commercial Registration Certificate (CR) in line with the tender's subject.
    • Enclose copy of a valid certificate of compliance with the employment percentages for Bahraini manpower (Bahranization Certificate) issued by the Ministry of Labour.
  • This advertisement is considered supplementary to the tender documents. In case of any discrepancy between the Advertisement and the Tender Document, the Tender Document prevails.
  • Micro, small and medium enterprises are eligible to obtain 10% preference in the financial evaluation stage, when submitting the "SMEs Classification Certificate" during bidding for this tender. The certificate is awarded by Ministry of Industry Commerce and Tourism to the SMEs and can be obtained when applying on the SMEs Registration System which can be reached via the following link: https://www.moic.gov.bh/en/eServices/sme
  • Vendors who are not registered in the Tender Board's e-tendering system shall be required to register through the below-mentioned link, and for assistance please contact the Tender Board through email helpdesk@tenderboard.gov.bh or call on Tel No. +97317566617.
  • For Registration


For further inquiries please contact on:

Electricity and Water Authority (Planning and Studies)