يهدف هذا المشروع إلى استبدال اجهزة الحماية القديمة بأجهزة الحماية رقمية حديثة التي تم تركيبها من أجل حماية محولات الكهربائية جهد 220 و 66 كيلوفولت. الهيئة راضية عن فلسفة الحماية الحالية والقصد من ذلك هو الاستفادة من خزانات الحماية والكابلات الحالية لأنها في حالة جيدة.
Mandatory Requirements for Part No.1: 220kV Transformers retrofitting:
1.1 As per the SoW Requirements, Only OEM (original Equipment manufacturer) listed in item 3 shall be participating in this Tender.
1.2 Or a vendor providing OEM execution Protection Engineer executing entire Project works, including design &Protection setting calculation (Must be at OEM office).
vendor shall have experience and executed similar jobs previously in Bahrain or GCC on Minimum two Similar Projects (up to 220kV Transformer Protection Schemes). vendor Must Provide all above in writing and submit previous experience documents and proofs.
2. Filled complete Price Schedule (Main & Optional).
3.The tenderer shall offer Protection relays complies with the specifications, proven In-service life (Free from outstanding issue in EWA network) and In-service of more than 5 years either in Bahrain or GCC.
(Confirmation documents used in Bahrain/GCC reference list to be submitted)*
*For device not installed in EWA Transmission Network.
Mandatory Requirements for Part No.2: 66kV Transformers retrofitting:
1. Filled complete Price Schedule (Main & Optional).
2. The tenderer shall offer Protection relays complies with the specifications, proven In-service life (Free from outstanding issue in EWA network) and In-service of more than 5 years either in Bahrain or GCC.
(Confirmation documents used in Bahrain/GCC reference list to be submitted)*
*For device not installed in EWA Transmission Network.