Tender Details


Tender Number: 881/2023/BTB (RDS-22/0120)

PA Ref Number: RDS-22/0120

Tender Description

The scope of works includes 1.5km widening of Sh Khalifa Bin Salman Highway between Shaikh Zayed Highway On-Ramp and Saar Interchange Off-Ramp to Shaikh Isa Bin Salman Highway; Two additional lanes will be added with partial merge reconstruction to remove existing adverse crossfall also road markings and signs, safety barriers, ITS, TSE transmission pipe, landscaping & irrigation etc. as mentioned in tender documents.

Issued by
Ministry of Works
Initial Bond
BD 5000
Bid Validity / Initial Bond Validity Period (Days)
180 days
Tender Fees
BD 100
Contract Duration
44 Week
Is Alternate Bid Allowed
Publish Date
Monday, 20 November 2023
Purchase Before
Saturday, 16 December 2023
Closing Date
Sunday, 24 December 2023
Opening Date
Monday, 25 December 2023

Additional Notes

This tender invite registeredcontractors with a valid Pre-qualification License with the Ministry of Worksunder Road Works Grade AA as mentioned in the tender advertisement on theTender issue date.

هذه المناقصة تدعوا المقاولين المؤهلين بوزارة الاشغال الذين يحملون رخصة تأهيل مسبق في فئة “أعمال الطرق"  تحت الدرجة

مع خبرة في أعمال الجسور صالحة قبل او في يوم طرح المناقصة AA 

,Project brief in English: 

The scope of works includes 1.5km widening of Sh Khalifa Bin Salman Highway between Shaikh Zayed Highway On-Ramp and Saar Interchange Off-Ramp to Shaikh Isa Bin Salman Highway; Two additional lanes will be added with partial merge reconstruction to remove existing adverse crossfall also road markings and signs, safety barriers, ITS, TSE transmission pipe, landscaping & irrigation etc. as mentioned in tender documents.     

وصف المشروع 

يشمل نطاق العملتوسعة شارع الشيخ خليفة بن سلمان بطول 1.5 كيلومتر في الجزء المحصوربين منحدر شارع الشيخ زايد ومنحدر تقاطع سار المؤدي إلى شارع الشيخ عيسى بنسلمان، حيث ستتم إضافة مسارين إضافيين مع الدمج الجزئي للتقاطع الحالي، كماسيتضمن توفير متطلبات السلامة المرورية من تركيب العلامات والاشارات المروريةوحواجز السلامة وصباغة الخطوط الأرضية وتركيب أنظمة النقل الذكية ITS وانشاء شبكة لمياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة ، الى جانب أعمال التشجير والتجميل.


  1. Pre-qualification License under the category mentionedin the tender advertisement
  2. Full Compliance with Scope of Work, Specifications,Bill of Quantities and Drawings
  3. Full Compliance with Instruction to Tender
  4. Full Compliance with Tender Evaluation and AwardMechanism
  5. Full Compliance with Conditions of Contract, Form ofTender & Appendices Form


How to Participate?

  • Those who are capable and wish to participate in the above tender have to purchase the Tender Documents online through the Bahrain Tender Board’s portal https://etendering.tenderboard.gov.bh starting from Monday, 20 November 2023
  • Bidders are requested to enclose with their bids the Initial Bond for the amount specified above or at the rate of 1% of the tender value whichever amount is lesser, provided that no initial bonds value shall be less than BD 100/-. (Except for the Two-envelope tenders).
  • For Two-envelope tenders, bidders, are requested to enclose with their bids the Initial Bond for the amount specified above.
  • The initial bond should be in the form of a Certified Cheque, Bank Guarantee, Insurance Policy or Cash (or as specified in the Tender Documents) valid for the duration specified above.
  • The bids deposit place: (As Mentioned in the Tender Documents)
  • This tender is subject to the provisions of the Tender Law issued by the Legislative Decree No. 36 of 2002, its amendments, and its Implementing Regulations issued by the Decree No. 37 of 2002.
  • In addition, these conditions have to be considered:
    • Enclose copy of a valid Commercial Registration Certificate (CR) in line with the tender's subject.
    • Enclose copy of a valid certificate of compliance with the employment percentages for Bahraini manpower (Bahranization Certificate) issued by the Ministry of Labour.
  • This advertisement is considered supplementary to the tender documents. In case of any discrepancy between the Advertisement and the Tender Document, the Tender Document prevails.
  • Micro, small and medium enterprises are eligible to obtain 10% preference in the financial evaluation stage, when submitting the "SMEs Classification Certificate" during bidding for this tender. The certificate is awarded by Ministry of Industry Commerce and Tourism to the SMEs and can be obtained when applying on the SMEs Registration System which can be reached via the following link: https://www.moic.gov.bh/en/eServices/sme
  • Vendors who are not registered in the Tender Board's e-tendering system shall be required to register through the below-mentioned link, and for assistance please contact the Tender Board through email helpdesk@tenderboard.gov.bh or call on Tel No. +97317566617.
  • For Registration


For further inquiries please contact on:

Ministry of Works